Smart Search is a new product of GISware Integro

A prototype of new Smart Search system was rolled out by GISware Integro company in Tele2 Russia, — being an innovative product which facilitates a simpler search through the multi-typed data stored in various information systems. Smart Search integration to OSS TORUS was tested by Tele2 users and was highly appreciated.
Smart Search integrates with any information systems, knowledge bases and other data sources and allows users to search through all systems with a one entry point – the search bar.
Smart Search targets:
- novice users – Smart Search simplifies the use of information systems, speeds up the training, flattens the learning-curve;
- users, who rarely use information systems – no need to learn how to interact with each of the systems;
- users, who have no time for analysis (e.g. top-managers) – Smart Search provides immediate results (express-analysis).
Smart Search advantages:
- improves business efficiency – Smart Search provides fast and relevant results for all users, which encourages them to use information systems more often;
- reduces user training costs;
- provides one entry point to variety of integrated information systems.
GISware Integro company plans to integrate Smart Search with a large number of information systems of telecom IT-landscape and improve core searching technics in the nearest future. The Smart Search market-ready release is expected in 2023.