GISware Integro being invited by the event host will take part in the federal business-forum «Telecom QoS Russia 2015» | GISware Integro

Federal business-forum on quality of service in Russia – Telecom QoS Russia 2015

GISware Integro being invited by the event host will take part in the federal business-forum «Telecom QoS Russia 2015 — Quality of the telecom services in Russia». The forum will start on February, 17, in the «InfoProstranstvo» event-hall.

GISware Integro will give a report on the objective parameters of the communication quality and will share their experience of work with telecom operators. Also the results of the OSS TORUS implementation in Tele2 in 2014 will be summed up.

OSS TORUS is the network performance and quality of service control system for telecom companies.

This system is the GISware Integro proprietary solution, yielding to none of the world’s best systems of that kind. In their work on the OSS TORUS the GISware Integro specialists involved the numerous company’s know-how’s. Universal data model allows to connect any equipment to the system and calculate any type of parameters of any structure and complexity.

The GISware Integro, LLC, Deputy Sci-Tech Director Serguey Arkhipov is sure that:

The customers choose an operator according to the knowledge on its services quality, and are ready to pay the higher price for the higher quality level, — the quality became mutually rewarding. The proper quality level is impossible without the operator’s objective control over its networks and services. The simpler and faster this feedback is — the easier and more efficient the high quality can be achieved. This is proved especially by the recent implementation of our OSS TORUS solution in the Tele2 company.

How can the communication quality control increases the customers’ loyalty? Do the investments into the monitoring systems allow to decrease the company’s expense? These and other questions, concerning the system development and implementation, will be answered at the forum by the GISware Integro representatives.

GISware Integro is the Russian high performance systems development company.

The Company has been working at the Russian and European OSS/BSS solutions market for more than 10 years. The Performance Management class systems developed by the Company have been successfully implemented and are running at the Russian largest telecom operators, such as VimpelCom and Tele2. The Company has become the Silver partner of the business-forum «Telecom QoS Russia 2015 — Quality of the telecom services in Russia».

The «Telecom QoS Russia 2015 — Quality of the telecom services in Russia» forum is held under the authority of the Roscomnadzor (The federal committee for the control over the telecommunication) also involving the federal an regional state establishments.

See the detailed speakers list and the forum agenda on


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